
net income increase中文是什么意思

  • 增加盈利



  • 例句与用法
  • Manulife financial reports record quarterly earnings shareholders net income increases 21 per cent from the prior year
  • Oracle boasts $ 5 billion cash on hand and $ 9 billion in annual revenues , and its net income increased 31 % in the most recent quarter
  • Asian division net income increased by 55 per cent to cdn 59 million in the first quarter of 2001 from cdn 38 million in 2000
  • Canadian division net income increased by 23 per cent to cdn 73 million , compared to cdn 59 million in the first quarter of 2000
  • Canadian division shareholders net income increased 26 per cent to cdn 93 million , from cdn 74 million in the first quarter of 2001
    34 , 703 31 , 033加拿大业务部之股东收入净额由二零零一年首季的七千四百万加元上升百分之二十六至九千三百万加元。
  • U . s . division s 2002 first quarter net income increased by 57 per cent to cdn 118 million compared to cdn 75 million in the first quarter of 2001
  • Reinsurance division net income increased 46 per cent to cdn 35 million compared to the second quarter of 2000 . year - to - date net income increased to cdn 75 million from cdn 53 million in 2000
  • First - quarter net income increased to $ 5 . 27 billion , or $ 1 . 01 a share , from $ 4 . 1 billion , or 79 cents , a year earlier , the new york - based company said in a statement
    总部位于纽约的花旗银行在一份公告中说第一季净收益从40亿1千万美元,每股收益70美分增至50亿2千7百万美元,每股收益1 . 01美元。
  • Flesh chickens : after used on a chicken farm in hubei province for 45 days , death rate was 68 . 5 % less then the contrast group , weight gain increased 3 . 61 % , and net income increased 55 . 5 %
    肉仔鸡:在湖北某养鸡场示范性应用共饲养45天,比对照组少死亡68 5 ,增重提高3 61 ,净收益增加55 5 。
  • Canadian division net income increased by 16 per cent to cdn 80 million , compared to cdn 69 million in the second quarter of 2000 . year - to - date earnings of cdn 153 million were up 20 per cent over the first six months of 2000
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